WinDirUsage V1.5c - November 3, 1996 Copyright (c) 1993-1996 by Kevin Routley. All rights reserved. Thank you for evaluating WinDirUsage V1.5c! Installation ============ To install, copy the contents of the disk into a directory on your hard disk. WIND165.EXE is the 16-bit (Windows V3.1, V3.11) version of WinDirUsage V1.5a, and WIND325.EXE is the 32-bit (Windows 95, NT) version. WinDirUsage will NOT run unless WINDRU5.HLP and NTHELPR.EXE are in the same directory as the executable files. The other files are not needed after you've read them. The program may be executed using the File|Run... command from either Program Manager or File Manager. You may wish to create an icon in Program Manager for convenient execution, or a desktop shortcut if you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT V4.0. Note that you may specify a hard disk to read on the command line, so WinDirUsage will read the indicated disk instead of the disk it was executed from. Getting Started =============== WinDirUsage initially reads the drive it was executed on. So if you run WinDirUsage from a floppy disk or another drive which has no subdirectories, the pie chart will merely show a circle and 100% of the disk space used by the files in the root directory. Available only to registered users: Use the 'Read disk at startup' option in the Labelling... options dialog to control whether WinDirUsage performs this initial read of the disk. WinDirUsage allows you to select any drive on your system. Click on the down arrow next to the pulldown menu in the upper left corner to see available drives. When a drive has been selected, WinDirUsage will read the contents of the new drive. For a directory that has subdirectories, WinDirUsage will show a pie chart that has slices showing the size of each directory tree. The list box also shows each directory, sorted in order of size, largest listed first. The smallest directories will not be shown in the pie chart but are shown in the list box. You can select a new directory to view in more detail by either selecting the new directory in the list box, or by clicking on the corresponding section in the pie chart. WinDirUsage has many more features! See the online help file for more information. De-Installation =============== Should you choose not to keep WinDirUsage, it may be de-installed by deleting the files you restored from the distribution set. Also, delete any Program Manager groups and/or icons you may have created. Finally, delete WINDIRU.INI from your Windows directory. Thats it! Registration Benefits ===================== Registered copies of WinDirUsage do not perform extra disk reads when moving between directories. Also, the banner box does not appear for registered users. As a registered owner of WinDirUsage, you are entitled to early notification of new versions of WinDirUsage and preferred technical support and new features. And by registering WinDirUsage you are encouraging the continued development and distribution of shareware by Tekra Software and Laser Point Software. Support the Shareware concept! Feedback ======== New versions of WinDirUsage will be released over time, depending on demand and how quickly I can add new features. Suggestions, ideas, or constructive criticism are appreciated! I can be reached care of Laser Point: Laser Point P.O. Box 2378 Watsonville, CA 95077 I hope you find WinDirUsage useful! Kevin Routley November 3, 1996